The immense intellectual abilities of the young Cambodians
Khemara Jati
Montréal, Québec
May 25th, 2006
During the « International Junior Science Olympiad » (IJSO), held in Jogjakarta (Java Island, Indonesia), from 4 to 13 December 2005, Cambodia presented 6 candidates. There were about 200 candidates come from at least 25 countries of all the continents, except Canada, USA, Japan, France, England, Germany and Australia. Cambodia received 6 medals:
§ Dy Kusha obtained a Golden medal. The happy medalist is delighted that neither Thailand nor Vietnam obtained any Golden medal.
§ Mom Charya (f) and Ty Sovisal obtained each, almost ex æquo, a silver medal. Before them, there was only a silver medalist Thai and no Vietnamese.
§ Say Buntha, Hun Vanasola and Huoy Channaren obtained each a Bronze medal.

This result shows the immense intellectual abilities of our youth in spite of all the obstacles imposed by the marionette regime. These prize-winners honour our youth. All our fellow countrymen, where ever they are, are proud of it. We publish below the interviews of Dy Kuchsa and Mom Charya.
Without obstacles imposed by the puppet regime, with a government which takes care of the education of our youth, how many golden medals our country would obtain ?
Why the major powers do continue to impose to Cambodian this marionette regime which sacrifices the future of our youth intellectual, that is to cut off the future of our « Nation » ? In when Cambodia will have the real scientific Universities in national language with the second foreign language ? Like in all the developed countries in the world, in particular as at our two neighbours ? The South Korean Universities create scientists and engineers of very high level in Korean language with English as the second language. In all the developed countries of the world, the young students learn the same maternal language up to universities in any branch, often with English as second language. With a scientific education in foreign language, can Cambodia form the dozens thousand high-level engineers and the technicians of all levels a year? With the forming of 25 engineers of low level a year, can Cambodia be able to face the needs of the numerous companies and the industries which are going to be created in the near future with the 4 billion petrodollar annuities ? Will Cambodia be obliged to appeal to dozens thousand foreign engineers, particularly Vietnameses ? Is Cambodia intended to become a Vietnamese province ? As it is already the case of Laos ? Will our pupils be obliged to learn the vietnamese from the maternal as in Laos ? Then later on go to continue the university in Vietnam ?
If such the project is matter of the current regime, is not this regime is a marionette regime of Vietnam ? Then is Hun Sen other than a criminal and a marionette of which Hanoi pulls the strings ?
Following are interviews of Dy Kusha and of Mom Charya.
Syllabus for International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO)
(Adapted from International Baccalaureate Program)
1. Science Skills and Safety : Understanding scientific methods and working in the laboratory. Identify and use basic laboratory equipment Draw scientific diagrams of apparatus. Follow instructions in the laboratory. Follow safety techniques when using equipment. Measure temperature and volume. Make observations using the five senses. Make inferences based on observations. Describe the scientific method. Record a science experiment using standard headings. Collect, represent and interpret data in tables and graphs. Use scientific language
2. Pushes and Pulls : Understanding of what forces are and what they can do. Describe what forces are and what they can do. Measure forces using a spring balance. Carry out experiments with friction, gravity and density. Calculate the density of an object. Explain the difference between mass and weight. Explain things in terms of the pull of gravity. Say what friction is and explain how it can be helpful or a nuisance.
3. Survival in the Environment : Understanding of how physical and behavioral adaptations help animals survive. List characteristics that help an organism survive. Define the terms habitat and adaptation. Distinguish between an animal's living and physical environment. List the physical conditions that affect aquatic animals. Classify adaptations as structural or behavioral. Make inferences from observations. Research, carry out and write up a study of a particular environment.
4. Solid, Liquids & Gases: Understanding of the differences between solids, liquids and gases. Describe the three states of matter. Recall the boiling point of water and the melting point of ice. Measure the temperature of melting ice. Draw simple graphs. Measure mass using a balance. Calculate the density of materials. Use a particle model
5. Responding: Understanding of how our body’s senses help us respond to our environment. Describe the various senses in our body. Define the terms stimulus and respond and how they relate. Describe how nerves carry massages. Explain how muscles move arms and legs. Investigate the senses. Investigate how fast our muscles react
6. Energy: Understanding of the different types of energy and energy changes. Describe what energy is and where it comes from. Identify and describe the various forms of energy. Understand how sound is caused. Explain the difference between stored energy in action. Explain everyday happenings in terms in energy changes. Understand that fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource. Conduct an experiment involving energy changes. Use different forms of energy to make an object move
7. How Life begins: Understanding of how new life is created in humans. Describe the differences between animal and plant cell. Describe the sex cell of humans. Describe the human reproductive organs. Understand the changes that take place in boy's and girl's bodies during puberty. Observe the development of a baby during pregnancy.
8. Solving Problems in Science: Understanding the scientific method. Describe the scientific method. Write up report of experiments. Write hypothesis. Design an experiment using the scientific method. Test a hypothesis by doing an experiment.
9. Acids and bases: Understanding what are acids and bases. Describe the properties of acids and bases. Understand pH and its practical uses define neutralisation. Use and make indicators. Use pH paper to check acidity. Use acids and bases safely. Apply knowledge of acids and bases to everyday situations. To be aware of the formation and effect of acid rain.
10. Interdisciplinary "Space" Studying the Universe: understanding our solar system and space exploration. Know the order of the planets. Describe key features of each planet. Distinguish between comet, asteroids and meteors. Describe spiral, elliptical and irregular galaxies. Explain the significance of star color. Identify major constellations. Be aware of the impact of space exploration. Make scale model of planets. Design and make a space mobile or building from recycled materials. Plot positions of stars.
11. Materials from the Earth: Understanding natural resources, where they are found and what they are used for. Name useful substances made from natural materials e.g. glass and concrete. Understand what natural resources are. Find out whether or not natural resources are renewable. Present information on renewable resources. Understand how fossil fuels, uranium and water are used to provide energy. Understand how materials and rocks are mined and how they are used. Map the locations of various mineral resources around the world.
12. Science & Technology: Understanding of how technology has been used to solve problem. Explain the difference between science and technology. Find out about some inventors and inventions. Be aware of inventions. Design a test to solve an everyday problem. Carry out a science fair experiment. Research to find relevant information.
13. Keeping Healthy: Understanding the digestive and circulatory systems. Explain what the part of the digestive system does during digestion. Use the model to explain how food passes from the small intestine to the bloodstream. Describe the importance of fiber in the diet. Describe how the blood carries food and oxygen to the body cells. Understand the effect of exercise on pulse and breathing rates. Investigate the structure and care of teeth. Describe the structure of the heart and how to take care of it.
14. Batteries and Bulbs: Understanding of batteries' concept and circuits. Make simple circuits. Draw circuit diagrams. Know the difference between series and parallel circuits. Describe the properties of conductors and insulators. Understand about resistance and short circuits. Explain how electrical safety device work (fuses and earths). Understand the rules for using electrical safely. Know the component of electrical plug.
15. Atoms and molecules: Understanding of atoms, molecules, elements and compounds. Describe the practical theory to explain the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Explain that matter is made of atoms and molecules. Know the name of some common molecules. Understand the basic structure of the atom. Describe what elements and compounds are. Explain the difference between elements and compounds in term of atoms and molecules. Know the first twenty elements and their symbol from the periodic table. Know about some of the people who discovered different elements. Know the formula of some common compounds. Write a simple word equation.
16. Cycles in Nature: Understanding of food chains and webs. Use food chains to show the link between animals and plants. Describe how bacteria and fungi recycle substances. Know the difference between scavengers and decomposers. Construct food webs.
17. What are Things made of: Understanding of the concept of the periodic table and the elements covered in Year 2 Atoms and Molecules. Review particle theory, atoms, molecules, elements and compounds. Understand basic patterns of the periodic table. Learn the first 20 elements by symbol and name. Learn to write simple equation. Know the basic structure of the atom, protons, neutrons, and electrons. Look at where metals and other important materials come from and what they are used for. Know about alloy.
18. Disease: Understanding how infections disease is caused and transmitted. Describe the microorganisms that cause disease. Know which organism cause common diseases. Understand how our body fights disease. Understand the history of disease and vaccination. Understand about how antibiotics are used to fight disease.
19. Global Consumer Science: Understanding of scientific testing of consumer product and the impact of consumer products on our health and environment. Use the steps of scientific testing. Understand the difference between objective and subjective testing. Calculate the waste from packaging. Understand how long different substances take to break down. Research recycling. Know about the argument surrounding genetically modified foods. Understand the impact of consumer products on our environment.
20. Science and the Road: Understanding of Newton First Law (Inertia), friction, Reaction Time, Acceleration, Car safety. Understand the main reasons for car accidents. Know about car safety features. Be aware of road safety. Calculate speed and acceleration. Measure reaction time. List the factors affecting stopping time.
21. Interdisciplinary "The Body" Life goes On: Understanding of human reproduction and inheritance. Describe the structure and function of the male and female reproductive system. Recognize variation in human characteristics. Describe the role of genes and chromosomes in human inheritance. Use family trees to determine the features of family members. Be able to calculate the chance of children being born male or female using model. Use grids to predict variation in offspring characteristics. Describe genetic engineering and social implications.
22. Light and Color: Understanding of how light and color are produced. Explain why things are colored. List the colors of spectrum. Describe how long and short sightedness can be corrected with lenses. Find out how we see colors and why color blindness occurs. Observe how light travels in straight lines. Investigate how different colors are made. Predict the color produced when filters are used. Investigate how lenses bend light to form images. Observe how images from when light reflects from when light reflect from mirror.
23. Forensic Science: Understanding of how science is used in crime detection. Describe the job of a forensic scientist. Understand how scientists collect and interpret the physical evidence from a crime. Investigate hypothetical crimes. Examine fingerprints. Use chromatography to examine ink samples. Use indicator to detect the presence of certain substances. Examine evidence using a microscope. Understand about ballistic and genetic evidence. Understand about the use of atomic absorption spectrophotometers to examine traces of chemical. Construct evidence tables and detect patterns. Write hypothetical forensic reports.
24. Mathematics Ability: Understanding of the mathematics. Fraction. Statistics. Simple Trigonometry. Simple Geometry. Logarithms. Arithmetic and Geometric Array. Quadratics Equation. Power and square roots.
1. Science Skills and Safety : Understanding scientific methods and working in the laboratory. Identify and use basic laboratory equipment Draw scientific diagrams of apparatus. Follow instructions in the laboratory. Follow safety techniques when using equipment. Measure temperature and volume. Make observations using the five senses. Make inferences based on observations. Describe the scientific method. Record a science experiment using standard headings. Collect, represent and interpret data in tables and graphs. Use scientific language
2. Pushes and Pulls : Understanding of what forces are and what they can do. Describe what forces are and what they can do. Measure forces using a spring balance. Carry out experiments with friction, gravity and density. Calculate the density of an object. Explain the difference between mass and weight. Explain things in terms of the pull of gravity. Say what friction is and explain how it can be helpful or a nuisance.
3. Survival in the Environment : Understanding of how physical and behavioral adaptations help animals survive. List characteristics that help an organism survive. Define the terms habitat and adaptation. Distinguish between an animal's living and physical environment. List the physical conditions that affect aquatic animals. Classify adaptations as structural or behavioral. Make inferences from observations. Research, carry out and write up a study of a particular environment.
4. Solid, Liquids & Gases: Understanding of the differences between solids, liquids and gases. Describe the three states of matter. Recall the boiling point of water and the melting point of ice. Measure the temperature of melting ice. Draw simple graphs. Measure mass using a balance. Calculate the density of materials. Use a particle model
5. Responding: Understanding of how our body’s senses help us respond to our environment. Describe the various senses in our body. Define the terms stimulus and respond and how they relate. Describe how nerves carry massages. Explain how muscles move arms and legs. Investigate the senses. Investigate how fast our muscles react
6. Energy: Understanding of the different types of energy and energy changes. Describe what energy is and where it comes from. Identify and describe the various forms of energy. Understand how sound is caused. Explain the difference between stored energy in action. Explain everyday happenings in terms in energy changes. Understand that fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource. Conduct an experiment involving energy changes. Use different forms of energy to make an object move
7. How Life begins: Understanding of how new life is created in humans. Describe the differences between animal and plant cell. Describe the sex cell of humans. Describe the human reproductive organs. Understand the changes that take place in boy's and girl's bodies during puberty. Observe the development of a baby during pregnancy.
8. Solving Problems in Science: Understanding the scientific method. Describe the scientific method. Write up report of experiments. Write hypothesis. Design an experiment using the scientific method. Test a hypothesis by doing an experiment.
9. Acids and bases: Understanding what are acids and bases. Describe the properties of acids and bases. Understand pH and its practical uses define neutralisation. Use and make indicators. Use pH paper to check acidity. Use acids and bases safely. Apply knowledge of acids and bases to everyday situations. To be aware of the formation and effect of acid rain.
10. Interdisciplinary "Space" Studying the Universe: understanding our solar system and space exploration. Know the order of the planets. Describe key features of each planet. Distinguish between comet, asteroids and meteors. Describe spiral, elliptical and irregular galaxies. Explain the significance of star color. Identify major constellations. Be aware of the impact of space exploration. Make scale model of planets. Design and make a space mobile or building from recycled materials. Plot positions of stars.
11. Materials from the Earth: Understanding natural resources, where they are found and what they are used for. Name useful substances made from natural materials e.g. glass and concrete. Understand what natural resources are. Find out whether or not natural resources are renewable. Present information on renewable resources. Understand how fossil fuels, uranium and water are used to provide energy. Understand how materials and rocks are mined and how they are used. Map the locations of various mineral resources around the world.
12. Science & Technology: Understanding of how technology has been used to solve problem. Explain the difference between science and technology. Find out about some inventors and inventions. Be aware of inventions. Design a test to solve an everyday problem. Carry out a science fair experiment. Research to find relevant information.
13. Keeping Healthy: Understanding the digestive and circulatory systems. Explain what the part of the digestive system does during digestion. Use the model to explain how food passes from the small intestine to the bloodstream. Describe the importance of fiber in the diet. Describe how the blood carries food and oxygen to the body cells. Understand the effect of exercise on pulse and breathing rates. Investigate the structure and care of teeth. Describe the structure of the heart and how to take care of it.
14. Batteries and Bulbs: Understanding of batteries' concept and circuits. Make simple circuits. Draw circuit diagrams. Know the difference between series and parallel circuits. Describe the properties of conductors and insulators. Understand about resistance and short circuits. Explain how electrical safety device work (fuses and earths). Understand the rules for using electrical safely. Know the component of electrical plug.
15. Atoms and molecules: Understanding of atoms, molecules, elements and compounds. Describe the practical theory to explain the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Explain that matter is made of atoms and molecules. Know the name of some common molecules. Understand the basic structure of the atom. Describe what elements and compounds are. Explain the difference between elements and compounds in term of atoms and molecules. Know the first twenty elements and their symbol from the periodic table. Know about some of the people who discovered different elements. Know the formula of some common compounds. Write a simple word equation.
16. Cycles in Nature: Understanding of food chains and webs. Use food chains to show the link between animals and plants. Describe how bacteria and fungi recycle substances. Know the difference between scavengers and decomposers. Construct food webs.
17. What are Things made of: Understanding of the concept of the periodic table and the elements covered in Year 2 Atoms and Molecules. Review particle theory, atoms, molecules, elements and compounds. Understand basic patterns of the periodic table. Learn the first 20 elements by symbol and name. Learn to write simple equation. Know the basic structure of the atom, protons, neutrons, and electrons. Look at where metals and other important materials come from and what they are used for. Know about alloy.
18. Disease: Understanding how infections disease is caused and transmitted. Describe the microorganisms that cause disease. Know which organism cause common diseases. Understand how our body fights disease. Understand the history of disease and vaccination. Understand about how antibiotics are used to fight disease.
19. Global Consumer Science: Understanding of scientific testing of consumer product and the impact of consumer products on our health and environment. Use the steps of scientific testing. Understand the difference between objective and subjective testing. Calculate the waste from packaging. Understand how long different substances take to break down. Research recycling. Know about the argument surrounding genetically modified foods. Understand the impact of consumer products on our environment.
20. Science and the Road: Understanding of Newton First Law (Inertia), friction, Reaction Time, Acceleration, Car safety. Understand the main reasons for car accidents. Know about car safety features. Be aware of road safety. Calculate speed and acceleration. Measure reaction time. List the factors affecting stopping time.
21. Interdisciplinary "The Body" Life goes On: Understanding of human reproduction and inheritance. Describe the structure and function of the male and female reproductive system. Recognize variation in human characteristics. Describe the role of genes and chromosomes in human inheritance. Use family trees to determine the features of family members. Be able to calculate the chance of children being born male or female using model. Use grids to predict variation in offspring characteristics. Describe genetic engineering and social implications.
22. Light and Color: Understanding of how light and color are produced. Explain why things are colored. List the colors of spectrum. Describe how long and short sightedness can be corrected with lenses. Find out how we see colors and why color blindness occurs. Observe how light travels in straight lines. Investigate how different colors are made. Predict the color produced when filters are used. Investigate how lenses bend light to form images. Observe how images from when light reflects from when light reflect from mirror.
23. Forensic Science: Understanding of how science is used in crime detection. Describe the job of a forensic scientist. Understand how scientists collect and interpret the physical evidence from a crime. Investigate hypothetical crimes. Examine fingerprints. Use chromatography to examine ink samples. Use indicator to detect the presence of certain substances. Examine evidence using a microscope. Understand about ballistic and genetic evidence. Understand about the use of atomic absorption spectrophotometers to examine traces of chemical. Construct evidence tables and detect patterns. Write hypothetical forensic reports.
24. Mathematics Ability: Understanding of the mathematics. Fraction. Statistics. Simple Trigonometry. Simple Geometry. Logarithms. Arithmetic and Geometric Array. Quadratics Equation. Power and square roots.